Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Continouos Tense - Dalam bahasa inggris banyak sekali rumus rumus yang bisa kita gunakan sesuai dengan yang kita butuhkan, salah satunya yaitu past future continouos tense yang mempunyai pengertian suatu rumus yang menyatakan bentuk waktu atau peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi atau akan sedang dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Past future tense ini sebenarnya adalah pecahan dari simple past tense yang memiliki arti yang hampir sama, sama sama menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa lampau atau bisa juga untuk menyatakan peristiwa akan sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa lampau.., hayo hayo.., silahkan di cermati sendiri ya pengertiannya, karen lumayan lumayan perlu pemahaman..,

Rumus Past Future Continouos Tense

(+) Subject + Should / Would + be + (Verb + ING) + Object
He would be preparing his car from twelve with Jack to three yesterday noon.
They should be studying the lesson in my college for examination last hours.
My mother would be cooking vegetables at this hour yesterday morning.
(-)  Subject + Should / Would + NOT + be + (Verb + ING) + Object
They told me that they wouldn’t be giving the present yesterday morning.
They shouldn’t be sleeping here. They should be studying the lesson now.
(?)  Should / Would + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?
Would you be going with Mrs. Anna yesterday evening for studying?
Jawaban: Yes, I would be going with Mrs. Anna from six to seven yesterday for studying.
When your mother cooked. Should you be helping her busy to nine yesterday morning?
Jawaban: No, I shouldn’t be helping my mother. I should be studying to nine at this yesterday morning.
(?)  Question Word + Should / Would + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?
When you should be studying mathematics last night?

Keterangan Waktu Past Futuer Continouos Tense

lLst night
Last week
Last year
Yesterday evening
Yesterday night and so on.
Demikianlah ulasan tentang past futuer continouos tense, baca juga tentang past future tense dan simple future tense