Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense - Dalam bahasa inggris kita pasti kita mengenal yang namannya tenses, salah satu tenses dalam bahasa inggris ini yaitu past future perfect progressive tense terdengar dari namanaya saja sudah panjang sekali, apalagi cara membuat kalimatnya ya.., hehe.., pengertian past future perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah dan sedang berlangsung di waktu yang akan datang di masa lampau. Pada bentuk ini semua subjek menggunakan kata "have" sebagai auxillary verb. 

Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) Subject + Would / Should + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object
My mother would have been resigning in this institute for two months by the time, I finished the college three months ago.
The road was dark. By the time we should have been arriving to home last night.
Sarah should have been looking happy for the gift last night.
(-)  Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object
He would not have been staying for live in here for two years ago.
When it rain. I should not have been going to the cinema at time ago.
You shouldn’t have been sleeping here last night?
(?)  Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?
Would they have been surrendering their country for the world peace in the last year ago?
Jawaban: No, they wouldn’t have been surrendering. They would have been defending their country for the world peace in the last year ago.
(?)  Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?
When should john have been climbing a big mountain?
Jawaban: John should have been climbing a big mountain with his friends last year.

Keterangan waktu Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

By next month
By the next year
By the end of this month
By the end of this day
By the end of this year

Contoh Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

They would have been learning English grammar for two years by the end of last month.
(Mereka akan telah belajar gramatika bahasa Inggris selama dua tahun pada akhir bulan lalu.)
Nisa and her family would have been living at their new house by the end of this month last year.
(Nisa dan keluargaya akan telah menempati rumah baru mereka akhir bulan ini pada tahun lalu.)
By the time the supervisor arrived, the water would have been flowing out of tank X into tank Y at a constant rate.
(Pada saat pengawas tiba, air akan telah mengalirdari tangki X ke dalam tangki Y dengan laju konstan.
If his visa had been approved, He would have been working abroad for a week.
(Jika visa dia telah disetujui, dia akan telah bekerja selama seminggu.)
Demikianlah ulasan tentang Past Future Perfect Tense, baca juga Rumus Past Future Continouos Tense dan Rumus Simple Future Tense. Semoga bermanfaat untuk anda yang sedang belajar bahasa inggris, selamat mencoba... 